Gi Bon Donjak – Basic Pattern
From Joonbi (ready position), move to Kimase (Horse Riding stance) in 4 counts (Hanna, Dol, Set Net), Baldo (draw sword down to right downward cut), Kihap (yell), return sword (by travelling a path around the back and over the head) to the Kimase sword ready position. This position is Kimagyun- jeokse (Horse riding stance with sword ready).
- Jeong-myun Begi – straight down cut
- Ja-woo Begi – 15deg left cut, then 15deg right cut
- Sahm Dan Begi (combine all 3) – straight cut, 15deg left cut, 15deg right cut
- Hweng dan Begi – Horizontal cut
- Sa Jeon Naeryo Begi – “block” and downward 45deg angle cut Right, “block” and downward 45deg angle cut Left
- Bit Kwang Ja Begi (combine 1,2,4,5) – straight down cut, 15deg left cut, then 15deg right cut, horizontal cut, “block” and downward 45deg angle cut Right, “block” and downward 45deg angle cut Left. Training tip: -(when beginning learning stop here and repeat).
- Dae do se (long stance – 2 count): “Hanna”, both feet together, sword behind back, “Dool” step forward into long stance Dae do gyun joek se then turning (cha-se-pak-usoh). Also do with straight cuts – Dae do begi.
- Gum-gye Dong-nip Palsangse – (Golden Rooster Stance)
- Ja Yeon Se Edong Bo Beop – 4 direction stepping in “ja yeon gyun joek se” – then stepping out : apu-roh, dui-roh, jaw-roh, woo-roh
- Jeon Jin Naeryeo Begi – stepping forward and back with straight cuts – then stepping out : apu-roh, dui-roh, jaw-roh, woo-roh
- Sodese – Small stance. First step into So dae gyun joek se, then turning/straight cut (So dae jeong Myun Begi)
- Jo Cheon-Se – First time by number, then second time as one movement – “Hanna” – Block, “Dool”- cut to side in long stance, “Set”- move slowly into jo cheon se facing front. Other reptitions: right foot steps front, straight cut, KIHAP, block, right foot steps back into long stance, cut to back, turn to front and slow jo cheon se (high ready position)
- Ji Ha Se (Lower Ready Stance) – step Right foot and bring sword to left shoulder. Then bring the sword down to the right (creating a line from the left toe, to the right toe to the tip of the sword) – this is Ji Ha Se and is also a “ready stance”, then stepping out : apu-roh, dui-roh, jaw-roh, woo-roh
- Chak gum: return sword to scabbard.